Super Vegito, Ribrianne and more have been revealed for Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero
Super Vegito (Image from the Official Dragon Ball Sparking! ZERO website )
Ribrianne (Image from the Official Dragon Ball Sparking! ZERO website )
On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, Bandai Namco Released a new Dragon Ball Sparking! ZERO Character Trailer with a theme of Swords vs. Fists. Characters with Swords and Fists faceoff against each out in a battle to see who will win. Super Vegito, Ribrianne, Ultra Instinct (Sign) Goku and more characters were revealed in the trailer. Here is the trailer below.
Dragon Ball Sparking! ZERO is looking to be a great game. I can’t wait to play it! It reminds me of Dragon Ball Budokai games and also Dragon Ball Raging Blast.
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Sincerely, InfernoStar