Behind Mastery, a behind the scenes look at the development of Racing Master
July 13, Racing Master dropped a trailer for the first episode in a new series they are doing called “Behind Mastery”. Their Behind Mastery series gives the players a look into the development stories behind Racing Master and what it takes to make Racing Master the game it is.
From the Official Racing Master Youtube.
This past week, Racing Master dropped the full first episode in their Behind Mastery series titled “Behind Car Roars”. This first episode was about how the Racing Master Design Team wants to provide a realistic and immersive experience for the player. They actually get the car and attach recording equipment to and record the cars sounds so the sounds of the cars in the game can be realistic as possible.
From the Official Racing Master Youtube
The next episode will be about sound development and the steps the sound recordings go through in post processing. Episode 2 is titled “Sound Production II”. Hopefully we get some update on the next beta along with the drop of the next episode.
Thank You for reading this blog post,
Sincerely InfernoStar.