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Scarlet & Violet TCG “English” March Release and Big Changes Coming to the Pokemon TCG

The release date for the english version of the Scarlet & Violet TCG is revealed to be March 31, 2023 and some cards from the set were revealed. Scarlet & Violet will also bring new changes to the Pokemon TCG going forward.

Here are the changes.

  • The Pokemon Company will use the silver border from now on starting with the Scarlet & Violet TCG as they are moving to synchronize with the Japan Pokemon TCG which already has silver borders.

  • Pokemon TCG product will experience a price increase starting with the Scarlet Violet TCG.

  • You will be able to get three guaranteed holos per pack now starting with the Scarlet & Violet TCG.

  • Pokemon Tools are sperate from Pokemon Items now

  • Cards with the regulation “E” mark and on will be in the 2023 Standard Format

Images are below

  • Energy will now read Basic Energy with their respective type and the energy symbol in the bottom right hand corner.

Here are more images from the set

Sources: 2

Thank you for reading this blog post,

Sincerely, InfernoStar